Chapter 1 : Individual Taxation-14-21 DaysLecture 1: Overview of 1040Free PreviewLecture 2: Overview of a 1040 Part 2PrivateLecture 3: Overview of a 1040 Part 3PrivateLecture 4: Types of IncomeFree PreviewLecture 5: Dividend incomeFree PreviewLecture 6: Interest IncomeFree PreviewLecture 7: Passive ActivitiesPrivateLecture 8: Earned Income-Self Employed TaxpayersPrivateLecture 9: M/C Test on Earned Income, Portfolio and Passive IncomePrivateLecture 10: Capital Assets vs Section 1231 AssetsPrivateLecture 11: Netting Capital Gains and Capital LossesPrivateLecture 12: Qualified Business Income-QBIPrivateLecture 13: Alimony, Scholarships, GamblingPrivateLecture 14: Social Security BenefitsPrivateLecture 15: M/C Test Capital Gains, Alimony, QBI, Scholarships, Gambling, Social SecurityPrivateLecture 16: Deductible to Arrive at AGI-Student Costs-PrivateLecture 17: Deductible to Arrive at AGI-Self Employment taxPrivateLecture 18: IRA Limits -PrivateLecture 19: Adjustments to arrive at AGI-Self Employed Health Insurance, HSA and SEPPrivateLecture 20: Deductions to arrive at AGI-best of the restPrivateLecture 21: M/C Test on Deductions to Arrive at AGIPrivateLecture 22: Family and Child tax CreditsPrivateLecture 23: Dependent Care CreditPrivateLecture 24: Earned Income CreditPrivateLecture 25: Education CreditsPrivateLecture 26: Individual Tax Credits-Best of the RestPrivateLecture 27: Business Tax CreditsPrivateLecture 28: Business Tax Credits Part 2PrivateLecture 29: Multiple Choice Questions on Tax CreditsPrivateLecture 30: Itemized Deductions-MedicalPrivateLecture 31: Itemized Deductions-State and Local TaxesPrivateLecture 32: Itemized Deductions-Interest-PrivateLecture 33: Itemized Deductions-Charitable ContributionsPrivateLecture 34: Itemized Deductions-Casualty and Gambling LossesPrivateLecture 35: Multiple Choice Test on Itemized DeductionsPrivateLecture 36: Employee Benefits Part 1PrivateLecture 37: Employee benefits-Part 2PrivateLecture 38: Employee benefits Part 3-Best of the restPrivateLecture 39: Accrual vs Cash Basis TaxpayersPrivateLecture 40: M/C Questions on Employee Benefits and Cash and Accrual Basis TaxpayersPrivateLecture 41: Filing StatusPrivateLecture 42: Tests for DependencyPrivateLecture 43: Kiddie Tax-The BasicsPrivateLecture 44: Kiddie Tax-Part 2PrivateLecture 45: M/C Test on Filing Staus, Dependency Tests and Kiddie TaxPrivateLecture 46: Net Operating LossesPrivateLecture 47: Individual Tax-Multiple Choice Test # 1PrivateLecture 48: Individual Tax Multiple Choice Test # 2PrivateLecture 49: Individual Tax Multiple Choice Test # 3PrivateLecture 50: Individual Tax-Multiple Choice Test # 4PrivateLecture 51: Individual Tax-Multiple Choice Test #5PrivateLecture 52: Individual Tax Multiple Choice Test # 6PrivateLecture 53: Individual Tax-Multiple Choice Test #7PrivateLecture 54: Individual Tax-Multiple Choice Test #8PrivateLecture 55: Individual Tax Simulation-Items 1-12PrivateLecture 56: Individual Tax Simulation-Numbered items 13-30PrivateLecture 57: Individual Tax Simulation-Tax Planning # 1PrivateLecture 58: Individual Tax Simulation-Tax Planning # 2PrivateLecture 59: Individual Tax Simulation-QBIPrivateLecture 60: Individual Tax Simulation-Passive Loss RentalsPrivateLecture 61: Individual Tax Simulation-AnnuityPrivateLecture 62: Individual Tax Simulation-Tax Planning # 3PrivateLecture 63: Income and Deductions Simulation for Employees and Self Employed-Part 1PrivateLecture 64: Income and Deductions Simulation for Employees and Self Employed-Part 2Private
Chapter 2 : Enrolled Agent-Taxation of Property. 7-10 DaysLecture 1: Like Kind Exchanges-Part 1Free PreviewLecture 2: Like Kind Exchanges-Part 2Free PreviewLecture 3: Tax Depreciation of Real PropertyPrivateLecture 4: Tax Depreciation of Personal PropertyPrivateLecture 5: Depreciation Midquarter Convention, Sec 179 and BonusPrivateLecture 6: Section 1231 Assets and Depreciation RecapturePrivateLecture 7: Installment Sales of PropertyPrivateLecture 8: Installment Sales Part 2PrivateLecture 9: Real Estate Closing StatementPrivateLecture 10: TCJA-Taxation of Property Received as GiftPrivateLecture 11: TCJA-Inherited PropertyPrivateLecture 12: Sale of Primary ResidencePrivateLecture 13: Involuntary ConversionPrivateLecture 14: TCJA-Related Party TransactionsPrivateLecture 15: Wash Sales TCJAPrivateLecture 16: Property-Special tax rates and Topics-CollectiblesPrivateLecture 17: Special Tax Rates- Part 2-3.8% Obamacare Tax and Sec 1244PrivateLecture 18: Property Multiple Choice Test #1PrivateLecture 19: Property Multiple Choice Test # 2PrivateLecture 20: Simulation-Like Kind ExchangesPrivateLecture 21: Simulation-Like Kind Exchanges # 2PrivateLecture 22: Simulation-Gains and LossesPrivateLecture 23: Simulation-Installment SalesPrivate
Chapter 3 : Enrolled Agent-Estate and Gift Tax. 2-4 Days
Chapter 4 : Enrolled Agent Final Review and Final Exam Testlets 5 DaysLecture 1: Final Review Payroll Tax Video 941PrivateLecture 2: Final Review- Form 1040 vs 1041Free PreviewLecture 3: Final Review on Various Individual Taxation Topics-Part 1PrivateLecture 4: Final Review on Various Individual Tax Topics Part 2PrivateLecture 5: Final Review on Various Tax Topics Part 3PrivateLecture 6: Final Review-Depreciation and RecapturePrivateLecture 7: What to Do Exam Morning to Earn 5 Additional Points!Free PreviewLecture 8: Final Exam-Multiple Choice Test # 1PrivateLecture 9: Final Exam Multiple Choice Test # 2PrivateLecture 10: Final Exam Multiple Choice Test # 3PrivateLecture 11: Final Exam Multiple Choice Test # 4PrivateLecture 12: Final Exam Multiple Choice Test # 5Private
Course Description
Part I of the i-75 Enrolled Agent Exam includes Individual Taxation topics such as Filing Status, Gross Income, Deductions, QBI, AMT, Tax Credits, Property Transactions, Retirement Accounts, Gifts, Estate Tax. Email me with any questions, [email protected] or reach out to me on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Note that Part 1 of Enroll Agent Exam has many topics in common with the CPA REG and TCP Exam. You will see many Videos in this course that are directly from the i-75 REG and TCP Exams.