Chapter 1 : Intro to AuditingLecture 1: Audit-Intro to Auditing-The BasicsPrivateLecture 2: Proper Use of the Term "Audit"PrivateLecture 3: Independence-The BasicsPrivateLecture 4: Decision to Accept the engagement-PrivateLecture 5: Decision to Accept the Engagement P2PrivateLecture 6: Audit Simulation Video-Quality Control StandardsPrivate
Chapter 2 : Audit Planning and Assessing Risk of Material mis-statementLecture 1: Audit Planning-PrivateLecture 2: Audit Planning-Overall StrategyPrivateLecture 3: Audit Planning-MaterialityPrivateLecture 4: Risk AssessmentPrivateLecture 5: Audit Risk Model-Inherent RiskPrivateLecture 6: Audit Risk Model-Control RiskPrivateLecture 7: Audit Risk Model-Detection RiskPrivateLecture 8: Related Party TransactionsPrivateLecture 9: Fraud-The BasicsFree PreviewLecture 10: Fraud Triangle Part 1-Fraudulent Financial ReportingPrivateLecture 11: Fraud Triangle Part 2-Misappropriation of AssetsPrivateLecture 12: Data Analytics-Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive, and PrescriptivePrivateLecture 13: Audit Data AnalyticsFree PreviewLecture 14: Data Visualization-Part 1-PrivateLecture 15: Data Visualization Part 2-PrivateLecture 16: Audit Planning Simulation Video-Audit Risk GridPrivateLecture 17: Audit Planning Simulation Video-Assessing RisksPrivateLecture 18: Audit Planning Simulation-Responsibility of PartiesPrivateLecture 19: Excel-Pivot TablePrivateLecture 20: Materiality SimulationPrivateLecture 21: Data Analytics and Visualization Simulation Part 1 of 3PrivateLecture 22: Data Analytics and Visualization Simulation Part 2 of 3PrivateLecture 23: Data Analytics and Visualization Simulation Part 3 of 3Private
Chapter 3 : Audit Internal ControlLecture 1: Internal Control-The BasicsPrivateLecture 2: Understanding and Documenting Internal ControlPrivateLecture 3: Preliminary Assessment of Control Risk-PrivateLecture 4: Internal Control-Testing ControlsPrivateLecture 5: Effect of IT on Internal ControlsPrivateLecture 6: Use of the Client's Internal Audit StaffPrivateLecture 7: Use of a Specialist in an AuditPrivateLecture 8: Flowchart SymbolsPrivateLecture 9: Internal Control Simulation Video-DepartmentsPrivateLecture 10: Internal Control Simulation Video-Audit RiskPrivate
Chapter 4 : Evidence Gathering and Audit AssertionsLecture 1: Audit Evidence-The BasicsPrivateLecture 2: Introduction to Audit AssertionsPrivateLecture 3: Balance Sheet AssertionsPrivateLecture 4: Income Statement AssertionsPrivateLecture 5: Revenue Cycle-Departments Documents, and ControlsFree PreviewLecture 6: Revenue Cycle-Two Directional TestingPrivateLecture 7: Revenue Cycle-Subsequent Period Audit ProceduresPrivateLecture 8: Revenue Cycle-Accounts Receivable ConfirmationsPrivateLecture 9: Accounts Receivable-LappingPrivateLecture 10: Revenue Cycle Video SimulationPrivateLecture 11: Expenditures Cycle-Documents, Departments, and ControlsPrivateLecture 12: Expenditures Cycle-2 Directional Testing-Subseq. ProceduresPrivateLecture 13: Expenditures Cycle Part 3- Subsequent Period Audit ProceduresPrivateLecture 14: Expenditure Cycle Video SimulationPrivateLecture 15: Inventory Cycle-inventory Errors and FOB'sPrivateLecture 16: Inventory Cycle-Inventory Count and 2 Directional TestsPrivateLecture 17: Inventory Cycle Video SimulationPrivateLecture 18: Cash Cycle Part 1PrivateLecture 19: Cash Cycle Part 2PrivateLecture 20: Cash Cycle-Kiting to Inflate the book balancePrivateLecture 21: Cash Cycle-Kiting to Inflate the Bank BalancePrivateLecture 22: Bank ReconciliationPrivateLecture 23: Bank Rec Simulation-Hersh MarketsPrivateLecture 24: Cash Cycle Video Simulation-TickmarksPrivateLecture 25: Fixed Asset CyclePrivateLecture 26: Investment CyclePrivateLecture 27: Payroll Cycle-Part 1PrivateLecture 28: Payroll Cycle Part 2PrivateLecture 29: Payroll Cycle-SimulationPrivateLecture 30: Financing Cycle-DebtPrivateLecture 31: Financing Cycle-EquityPrivateLecture 32: Audit Evidence-Analytical ProceduresPrivateLecture 33: Subsequent EventsPrivateLecture 34: Evidence-Management Rep LetterPrivateLecture 35: Audit Documentation-Current and Permanent FilePrivateLecture 36: Litigation Claims and Assessments-Part 1PrivateLecture 37: Litigation Claims and Assessments Part 2PrivateLecture 38: Audit Data Analytics used in Substantive Testing-Part 1PrivateLecture 39: Audit Data Analytics Used in Substantive Testing Part 2PrivateLecture 40: Audit Evidence-Audit Assertion Simulation VideoPrivateLecture 41: Audit Evidence-Simulation Video-DocumentationPrivateLecture 42: Evidence Simulation Video-Subseq Events, Discovery of FactsPrivateLecture 43: Simulation-Inventory Errors and Journal EntriesPrivateLecture 44: Subsequent Events SimulationPrivateLecture 45: Simulation-Sub Ledger to General Ledger Reconciliation-InventoryPrivateLecture 46: Audit Simulation on Journal Entries and RatiosPrivateLecture 47: Audit Assertion simulationPrivateLecture 48: Inventory Errors SimulationPrivateLecture 49: Audit Documentation-Current vs Permanent FilePrivateLecture 50: Bank Rec SimulationPrivate
Chapter 5 : Audit Reporting-Lecture 1: Audit Report for an Issuer under PCAOB-The BasicsPrivateLecture 2: Audit Report of Issuer-Qualified Opinion-Lack of EvidencePrivateLecture 3: Audit Report of Issuer-Qualified Opinion-GAAP issuePrivateLecture 4: Audit Report-Issuer-Adverse OpinionPrivateLecture 5: Audit Report-Issuer-DisclaimerPrivateLecture 6: Audit Report for an Issuer-Critical Audit MattersPrivateLecture 7: Audit Report for an Issuer-Form APPrivateLecture 8: Audit Report of Non-Issuer under SAS 134PrivateLecture 9: Audit Report of Non-issuer-Emphasis of MatterPrivateLecture 10: Audit Report of Non-issuer- Other Matters-SAS 134PrivateLecture 11: Audit report of non-issuer-Qualified Opinion SAS 134PrivateLecture 12: Audit Report of Non-Issuer-Adverse Opinion-SAS 134PrivateLecture 13: Audit Report of Non-Issuer-Disclaimer-SAS 134-PrivateLecture 14: Audit Report of Non-Issuer-Key Audit Matters-SAS 134PrivateLecture 15: Going Concern IssuesPrivateLecture 16: Reporting on Supplemental InformationPrivateLecture 17: Required Supplemental InformationPrivateLecture 18: Summary Financial ReportingPrivateLecture 19: Group and Component Auditor-PrivateLecture 20: Other Information with Annual ReportsPrivateLecture 21: Special Purpose FrameworksPrivateLecture 22: Review Engagement of Non-Issuer-SSARSPrivateLecture 23: Review Report for Non-Issuer-SSARSPrivateLecture 24: Compilation ReportingPrivateLecture 25: Preparation of Financial StatementsPrivateLecture 26: attestation Engagements-Forecasts and Projections-SSAE The basicsPrivateLecture 27: Agreed Upon Procedures-The Basics-SSAEPrivateLecture 28: Examination of Forecasts and Projections-SSAEPrivateLecture 29: Agreed Upon Procedures-Forecasts and Projections-SSAEPrivateLecture 30: SSAE Review EngagementsPrivateLecture 31: SSAE Review ReportPrivateLecture 32: Pro Forma Financial InformationPrivateLecture 33: Compliance Attestation Reporting-Examinations and Agreed Upon ProceduresPrivateLecture 34: Management Discussion and AnalysisPrivateLecture 35: I/C over Financial Reporting-Types DeficienciesPrivateLecture 36: Comparative Financial StatementsPrivateLecture 37: Comparative Financial Statement Reporting Part 2PrivateLecture 38: Internal Control over Financial Reporting-Separate Report on Internal ControlPrivateLecture 39: Internal Control over Financial Reporting-Combined ReportPrivateLecture 40: Government Audits-GAGAS-The Basics-PrivateLecture 41: Government Audits-GAGAS-Single Audit ActPrivateLecture 42: Audit of Employee Benefit Plans-The BasicsPrivateLecture 43: Audit of Employee Benefit Plans-Audit RequirementsPrivateLecture 44: Audit of Employee Benefit Plans-Form 5500 and Department of LaborPrivateLecture 45: Audit of Employee Benefit Plans-Full Scope vs Limited Scope AuditPrivateLecture 46: Audit Reporting Simulation Video-Which Opinions Apply?PrivateLecture 47: Reporting Sim Video-Compilation vs Review vs PreparationPrivateLecture 48: Reporting on Comparative Financial Statements-Video SimPrivateLecture 49: Reporting on Comparative Financial Statements Video Sim #2PrivateLecture 50: Audit Standards Video Simulation-Which Standards ApplyPrivateLecture 51: Sim on Internal control over financial reporting-issuer PCAOBPrivateLecture 52: Simulation on Internal Control over Financial Reporting-Non-IssuerPrivateLecture 53: Levels of Assurance SimulationPrivateLecture 54: Simulation on Internal Control Communications-Non-IssuerPrivateLecture 55: Simulation on Internal Control Communications-Non-Issuer P2PrivateLecture 56: Interim Financial Review of an IssuerPrivate
Chapter 6 : SOC Reporting-
Chapter 7 : Audit SamplingLecture 1: Sampling-The BasicsPrivateLecture 2: Factors that determine the Sample SizePrivateLecture 3: Evaluating the sample and Determining the Population Error Rate.PrivateLecture 4: Attribute Sampling-Effectiveness and EfficiencyPrivateLecture 5: Sampling for Variables-The BasicsPrivateLecture 6: Mean Per Unit Estimation Sampling-Variable SamplingPrivateLecture 7: Ratio Estimation Sampling-Variable SamplingPrivateLecture 8: Difference Estimation Sampling-Variable SamplingPrivateLecture 9: Stratification-Variable SamplingPrivateLecture 10: PPS Sampling-The BasicsPrivateLecture 11: PPS Sampling-ContinuedPrivateLecture 12: Audit Simulation-PPS Calculating the Sampling Interval and Sample Size-Dec 2020PrivateLecture 13: Audit Sampling Video SimulationPrivateLecture 14: Audit Sampling -PPS Sampling Video SimulationPrivate
Chapter 8 : Audit EthicsLecture 1: AICPA Code of Conduct-Six PrinciplesPrivateLecture 2: Objectivity vs IndependencePrivateLecture 3: Threats and SafeguardsPrivateLecture 4: 3 Categories of Safeguards for a Member in Public PracticePrivateLecture 5: Actual and Potential Conflicts of InterestPrivateLecture 6: Conflicts of Interest-ContinuedPrivateLecture 7: Ethical Violations and Acts Discreditable to the ProfessionPrivateLecture 8: Audit Ethics P3- Members in Business and Other MembersPrivateLecture 9: Audit Ethics-PCAOB and SEC StandardsPrivateLecture 10: Department of Labor Standards for Independence-Part 1PrivateLecture 11: Department of Labor Standards for Independence Part 2PrivateLecture 12: GAO-Fundamental Ethical PrinciplesPrivateLecture 13: GAO-Threats to Independence and SafeguardsPrivateLecture 14: Structural Threats to Government Auditor IndependencePrivateLecture 15: Ethics -Other AreasPrivateLecture 16: Audit Ethics-SimulationPrivateLecture 17: Ethics Sim on Permitted/Not Permitted Engagements for Attest ClientsPrivateLecture 18: Threats and Safeguards SimulationPrivate
Chapter 9 : Ratio AnalysisLecture 1: Liquidity RatiosPrivateLecture 2: Ratios-Common size Balance sheet and Income StatementPrivateLecture 3: Operating Cycle and Cash Conversion CyclesPrivateLecture 4: Transaction Effect on RatiosPrivateLecture 5: Ratio Simulation Video-Transaction Effect on RatiosPrivateLecture 6: Ratio Simulation Video-Reason For Change in Client's RatioPrivateLecture 7: Financial Statement Ratio SimulationPrivate
Chapter 10 : Audit of Information TechnologyLecture 1: General Controls in an IT SystemPrivateLecture 2: Application Controls in An IT System-Input ControlsPrivateLecture 3: Application Controls-Input-Part TwoPrivateLecture 4: Application controls-Processing and Output ControlsPrivateLecture 5: Computer Assisted Audit TechniquesPrivateLecture 6: Computer Assisted Audit Techniques Part 2Private
Chapter 11 : Use of Data and Information-Lecture 1: Relational DatabasesPrivateLecture 2: Measurement Scales-The BasicsPrivateLecture 3: Measurement Scales Part 2PrivateLecture 4: Data Attributes and Request for ExtractionPrivateLecture 5: Different Types of Data FormatsPrivateLecture 6: Data Transformation-The BasicsPrivateLecture 7: Data Transformation TechniquesPrivateLecture 8: Automated Data ToolsPrivateLecture 9: Automated Data Tools and Processes Part 2Private
Chapter 12 : Economics for the Audit ExamLecture 1: Supply and DemandPrivateLecture 2: Economic IndicatorsPrivateLecture 3: GDP and Business Cycles Part 1PrivateLecture 4: GDP and Business Cycles Part 2PrivateLecture 5: Elasticity of DemandPrivateLecture 6: Elasticity of SupplyPrivateLecture 7: Income and Cross ElasticityPrivateLecture 8: Consumer Price IndexPrivateLecture 9: Profit Maximization-Marginal Cost and Marginal RevenuePrivateLecture 10: UnemploymentPrivate
Chapter 13 : Final Review- Audit-Random Testlets and Best Bet Sim VideosLecture 1: Multiple Choice Testlet # 1PrivateLecture 2: Multiple Choice Testlet # 2PrivateLecture 3: Multiple Choice Testlet # 3PrivateLecture 4: Audit Final Exam Testlet # 4PrivateLecture 5: Multiple Choice Testlet # 5PrivateLecture 6: Audit Final Exam M/C Testlet # 6PrivateLecture 7: Final Exam "Best Bet" Simulation on Analytical ProceduresPrivateLecture 8: Final Exam "Best Bet" Video Simulation on Independence and Ethics Part 1Free PreviewLecture 9: Final Exam "Best Bet" Video Simulation on Independence and Ethics Parts 2 and 3PrivateLecture 10: Final Exam "Best Bet" Sim-Review of Interim Financial Information of an issuerFree PreviewLecture 11: Final Exam "Best Bet" Video Simulation-Contingent LiabilitiesFree PreviewLecture 12: Final Exam "Best Bet" Video Simulation on MaterialityPrivateLecture 13: Equity Method of investments SimulationPrivateLecture 14: Final Exam Simulation Video on Preventive, Detective, and Corrective ControlsPrivateLecture 15: Final Exam "Best Bet" Simulations- Review Engagements, Which Standards Apply?Free PreviewLecture 16: Inventory Errors VideoPrivateLecture 17: Inventory Errors SimulationPrivateLecture 18: Adjusting and Correcting Entries SimulationFree PreviewLecture 19: Accruals and Deferrals SimulationPrivateLecture 20: Revenue Cycle Simulation-Risks Controls and Audit Procedures Part 1PrivateLecture 21: Revenue Cycle Simulation-Risks, Controls and Audit Procedures Part 2PrivateLecture 22: Assertions and Audit Procedures Simulation-2021PrivateLecture 23: Data Analytics-July 2021-Part 1PrivateLecture 24: Data Analytics-July 2021 Part 2PrivateLecture 25: Final Exam Ratio Simulation Part 1PrivateLecture 26: Final Exam Ratio Simulation Part 2Private
Chapter 14 : Amazon E-Book-"Must Know" Questions!
Chapter 15 : What to do Exam Morning to Score 5 Extra Points
Course Description
The i75 Audit Cram includes 15 Days of Access to all the i75 Audit Videos and the Final Review Chapter. Perfect for those who Do NOT already have i75 Audit Complete. If you want the multiple choice chapter tests, get the i75 Audit Complete monthly subscription instead of the 15 Day Audit CRAM.